re3dragon | REsearch REsource REgistry for DataDragons

About re3dragon
  • re3dragon stands for "REsearch REsource REgistry for DataDragons" and is an online catalogue of LOD ressources (dragon lair) stored as RDF in a triplestore, a search API service for LOD resources with string and distance similarity, a resolve API service for LOD resources for specific URIs, and provides a standardised (Geo-)JSON(-LD) data model according to JSKOS as response to an API request.

    The Little Minion re3dragon tool envisages two aims: (1) Publication of an open extendable catalogue (Dragon Lair) including authority data, thesauri, controlled vocabularies, gazetteers, (space-) time gazetteers, as well as typologies and domain specific resources, (2) Offering an API for requesting distributed LOD resources (Dragon Items) providing resources in a standardised JSON format based on JSKOS.

    The API is documented HERE.


What can I do?

  • 1. Resolve a URI.
  • 2. Search for Items in Ressources by using a substring.
  • 3. Resolve a list of URIs.
1. Resolve a URI

Insert a URI, e.g. (autoboat)



display label

display description

preference labels




dragon lair

2. Search for Items in Ressources by using a substring.

Insert substring and choose a dragon lair to query

3. Resolve a list of URIs

Insert a URI list [seperated with comma from one ressource], e.g.,